Monday, September 19, 2011

Best Thing I Never Had

Beyonce - Best Thing I Never Had

What goes around comes back around (hey my baby)
What goes around comes back around (hey my baby)
I say what goes around comes back around (hey my baby)
What goes around comes back around...

There was a time
I thought, that you did everything right
No lies, no wrong
Boy I, must've been outta my mind

So when I think of the time that I almost loved you
You showed your ass and I, I saw the real you
Thank God you blew it
Thank God I dodged the bullet
I'm so over you
So baby good lookin' out

I wanted you back
I'm so through with that
Cause honestly you turned out to be the best thing I never had
You turned out to be the best thing I never had
And I'm gon' always be the best thing you never had
Oh I bet it sucks to be you right now

So sad, you're hurt
Boo hoo, oh, did you expect me to care?
You don't deserve my tears
I guess that's why they ain't there

When I think that there was a time that I almost loved you
You showed your ass and baby yes I saw the real you

Thank God you blew it
I thank God I dodged the bullet
I'm so over you
Baby good lookin' out

I wanted you bad
I'm so through with that
Cause honestly you turned out to be the best thing I never had
I said, you turned out to be the best thing I never had
And I'll never be the best thing you never had
Oh baby I bet sucks to be you right now

I know you want me back
It's time to face the facts
That I'm the one that's got away
Lord knows that it would take another place, another time, another world, another life
Thank God I found the good in goodbye

I used to want you so bad
I'm so through with that
Cause honestly you turned out to be the best thing I never had
Oh You turned out to be the best thing I never had
And I will always be the, best thing you never had.
Oh Best thing you never had!

I used to want you so bad
I'm so through with that
Cause honestly you turned out to be the best thing I never had
Oh you turned out to be the best thing I never had
Oo and I will never be the best thing you never had
Oh baby, I bet it sucks to be you right now

What goes around, comes back around
What goes around, comes back around
Bet it sucks to be you right now
What goes around, comes back around
Bet it sucks to be you right now
What goes around, comes back around
Bet it sucks to be you right now

aku ga bosen2 denger lagunya beyonce yang satu ini ,, thanks juga buat rahayu indriani yang udah mau downloadin lagu ini untuk aku :)

King Of Anything

Sara Bareilles- King Of Anything
Sara Bareilles

Oh (oh oh oh)
Oh (oh oh oh)
Oh (oh oh oh)
Oh (oh oh oh)

Keep drinkin' coffee
Stare me down across the table
While I look outside

So many things I'd say if only I were able
But I just keep quiet
And count the cars that pass by

You've got opinions, man
We're all entitled to 'em
But I never asked

So let me thank you for time
And try to not waste any more of mine
Get out of here fast

I hate to break it to you babe
But I'm not drowning
There's no one here to save

Who cares if you disagree
You are not me
Who made you king of anything
So you dare tell me who to be
Who died
And made you king of anything

Oh (oh oh oh)
Oh (oh oh oh)
Oh (oh oh oh)
Oh (oh oh oh)

You sound so innocent
All full of good intent
You swear you know best

But you expect me to
Jump up on board with you
Ride off into your dellusional sunset

I'm not the one who's lost
With no direction oh
But you won't ever see

You're so busy makin' maps
With my name on them in all caps
You got the talkin' down just not the listening

And who cares if you disagree
You are not me
Who made you king of anything
So you dare tell me who to be
Who died
And made you king of anything

All my life
I've tried
To make everybody happy while I
Just hurt
And hide
Waitin' for someone to tell me it's my turn
To decide

Oh (oh oh oh)
Oh (oh oh oh)
Oh (oh oh oh)
Oh (oh oh oh)

Who cares if you disagree
You are not me
Who made you king of anything
So you dare tell me who to be
Who died
And made you king of anything

Who cares if you disagree
You are not me
Who made you king of anything
So you dare tell me who to be
Who died
And made you king of anything

Let me hold your crown, babe
Oh oh
hari ini lagi nge repeat lagu-nya Sara Bareilles yang judulnya King Of Anything,, lagu ini dikasih tau oleh rahayu indriani (thanks beboh lagunya keren),
Let's Sing this Song :)


Alhamdulillah hari ini hari senin,
dimana hari ini adalah hari yang membosankan.. hoaaaam
abis ngantor terus kuli ampe malam,, help help !!!

Kalo bukan karena ingin dapet gelar embel2 sarjana juga ga akan gw bela2in sampe kuliah lagi,,
tapi apapun itu harus disyukuri,
yang penting semangat cari duit buat bayar kuliah ini,,

segelas air di meja kantor

Hari ini matkulnya KALKULUS (tuing-tuing) denger namanya aja udah ngantuk.. zzzzzzzzzzz

Yasudahlah yang penting sampe dengan selamat ke kantornya.. Minuman nganggur.. Glek (nelen ludah)

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Friday, September 9, 2011

Who You Are

Kemaren (7 September 2011), gw dikirimin email ma pacar,
eh ternyata isinya lagu

Who You Are - Jesiie J

I stare at my reflection in the mirror:
"Why am I doing this to myself?"
Losing my mind on a tiny error,
I nearly left the real me on the shelf.
No, no, no, no, no...

Don't lose who you are in the blur of the stars!
Seeing is deceiving, dreaming is believing,
It's okay not to be okay.
Sometimes it's hard to follow your heart.
Tears don't mean you're losing, everybody's bruising,
Just be true to who you are!
(who you are [x11])

Brushing my hair, do I look perfect?
I forgot what to do to fit the mould, yeah!
The more I try the less it's working, yeah
'Cause everything inside me screams
No, no, no, no, no...

Don't lose who you are in the blur of the stars!
Seeing is deceiving, dreaming is believing,
It's okay not to be okay.
Sometimes it's hard to follow your heart.
But tears don't mean you're losing, everybody's bruising,
There's nothing wrong with who you are!

Yes, no's, egos, fake shows, like WOAH!
Just go, and leave me alone!
Real talk, real life, good love, goodnight,
With a smile, that's my home!
That's my home, no...

No, no, no, no, no...
Don't lose who you are in the blur of the stars!
Seeing is deceiving, dreaming is believing,
It's okay not to be okay...
Sometimes it's hard to follow your heart.
Tears don't mean you're losing, everybody's bruising,
Just be true to who you are!
yeah yeah yeah

Keren juga ya lagunya,, bagus suaranya, ga ngerti maksud si pacar kirim lagu kaya gini,
he just wanna say, video nya SANGAR..
sayang disini ga bisa buka youtube,, hehehe




Alhamdulillah hari ini masih dikasih kesempatan untuk bernafas.
Makasih Ya Alloh, hari ini aku sampe kantor dengan selamat,
klo hari ini naek kereta Commuter Line yang harganya 6000, trus pas aku dateng pas ada kereta yang ke tanah abang keberangkatan dari kota depok sekitar jam 06:30 (waaah,,, kesiangan).
Kondisi kereta klo dari keberangkatan depok, sepiiiii
belum banyak orang, beda klo keberangkatan dari Bogor yang pasti bejubel jubel,
tapi walaupun sepi tetep aja g dapet duduk, hiks hiks
Trus aku taro tas di atas besi (apalah namanya itu) trus aku diri, dengan berharap ibu-ibu di depan gw nanti turun di sebelum stasiun dukuh atas ( tujuan gw)
Sambil melihat jam, sambil melihat pemandangan sekitar kaca, trus ngaca2 dikit,
liat ibu2 yang batuk mulu (jadi pengen make masker bawaanya takut ketular), trus berfikiran pengen beli bangku lipat klo kondisi keretanya lowong kaya gini, berapa ya harganya kira2,, kayana enak duduk gto, pegel sih diri sambil nahan goyangan alami dari si CL (singkatan Commuter Line).

saat sampai stasiun Cawang,
jeng jeeeeeeeng,
tuh ibu depan aku mengangkat pantatnya dari kursi empuk kereta,
dalam hati aku bersorakk,, yippppppi
Finally,, AKU DAPET DUDUK, lumayan lah dapet 3stasiun
Alhamdulillah, makasih ya Alloh, kebetulan banget emg nih perut gw lagi ga bersahabat, hiks hiks

Stasiun Dukuh Atas
Selanjutnya jalan untuk nyetop mobil pribadi yang dipakai untuk umum ala aisyah, yaitu P15 Jurussan Setia budi Senen. hehehehe
Sebenarnya ada 640 sih, banyak malah, tapi naek 640 jalan kaki-nya jauh menuju kantor,, bisa2 keringetan,
alasan jedua kenapa gw naek P15 kadanga klo lagi hoki bisa dapet bis kopaja yang tempat bangkunya empuk, kaya bis bis pulang kampung gto,,
Tapi sayangnya hari ini gw lagi kurang hoki,, hehehe
tapi tetep hitungannya hoki sih, soalnya dapet duduk di kereta, (kesenangan tersendiri)

and nyampe kantor jam 7:25 waaah berarti gw bisa pulang jam 16:30 dari kantor,, pengen banget pulang jam 4 biar bisa dapet bis departement,, hihiiii
curang ga, curang ga, curang ga
liat aja nanti deh

Makan Siang Gratis
Alhamdulillah, makasih ya Alloh, hari ini dapet amkan siang gretong. emang sih tadi dibawain bekel ma mama, karena dapet email ada undangan makan siang gratis (traktiran ulang tahun), jadi bekelnya aku makan bareng rini, temen kantor ku, hehehee
Disana makan udang goreng mentega, ayam pelangi (enak banget nih ayam, kriuk2 gto), cumi lada hitam, kangkung (my favorite vegetables), nyobain brokoli( wueeeeeK). Alhamdulillah kenyaaaaaaaaaaaang,

karena rencananya hari ini mau ke kampus baru (cie cice akhirnya kuliah lagi, Bismillah),, jadi aku memutuskan pulang jam setengah5 deh, Alhamdulillah ga jadi curang dengan pulang jam4 (maafin aku ya Alloh udah niat curang)
rencananya mau bareng ma Yani, temen sekampus juga, jam setengah5 dia berangkat dari kantor, aku tinggal nebeng deh dimotornya, hihiiiii

Aku berharap semoga nanti dikampus ga lama, kalopun lama semoga ga ngebetein, klo pun ngebetein, semoga orang2nya asik2, klo ga asik2 ya semoga nti di kereta pulang dapet duduk (teteup deh ngarepin duduk di kereta) hehehe

Happy Weekend
ini jumat, report semua udah kelar, tinggal running2 dikit sih, n semoga g ada yg kelewatan.
besok saatnya maen ma keponakan deh, hihii
i miss u hadnan, tante kangen kamu

and i hope meet him so much,,


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Selamat Idul Fitri 1432 Hijiriyah

Alhamdulillahirobbil Alamin,

Terima Kasih ya Alloh kau sudah mempertemukan aku dengan hari fitri mu,
Dan berikan hamba-Mu ini kesempatan untuk bertemu lagi dengan bulan ramadhan yang penuh berkah tahun depan.

Mohon Maaf Lahir Batin :)

hikmah puasa tahun ini : jangan mendahului kehendak Alloh, manusia boleh berencana, namun Alloh yang menentukan.
Allahu Akbar

with love achazellacious